
About Us

Perfect Home Care is the owner operator that provides the highest quality of duct cleaning in GTA and surrounding areas with the most cost effective way. The services are provided in a professional, friendly and caring manner.


Perfect Home Care has worked independently as well as with different contractors at residential commercial and industrial areas. Perfect Home Care also worked at new sites as a sub-contractor. We use our truck mount vacuum machine and high-pressure air blowgun to clean up the whole air duct system. When the vacuum machine is turned on, it generates huge negative pressure. Contaminants in your air ducts would be extracted through the hose to the vacuum machine outside. We use special equipment like “octopus or whipper” and “snake system” to clean and Benefect sanitizer sprayed to eliminate the odours and prevent the growth of germs. Perfect Home Care would be excellent company to offer effective, efficient services and products that enable Builders to focus on what they do best to build homes.


Perfect Home Care promises that we can bring the highest value services available. If you have any question regarding Perfect Home Care, please don’t hesitate to call 905-908-0034 or 416-357-0472.


Duct Cleaning Procedures:


  • Site super will be contacted.
  • Safety shoes and hardhat must be worn at all times, however where applicable running shoes and slip cover will be worn.
  • Furnace will be shut off.
  • The truck mount vacuum system is attached to the main duct system located in the basement.
  • All registers are blocked off to create a sound vacuum on the entire side of the system to be cleaned.
  • The snake system and/or “octopus” also known as whipper will be used to remove duct debris. The vacuum system creates a negative pressure and suction in the ductwork begins to pull out all debris and deposits the debris directly into our trucks.
  • We then go to each register and with 300 psi of compressed air and blow all debris at the registers end back through the ductwork and directly into our trucks, thus cleaning each vent.
  • Upon completion of cleaning the vents and return air system furnace blower and A/C coil will be cleaned.
  • All cut-outs to be covered with sheet metal together with screws, aluminum duct tape, and plugs to re-insulate any access holes the service provider may have made or used so they are airtight.
  • All registers are opened and furnace is turned back on to ensure proper circulation of the air.
  • All working areas are cleaned and cleaning equipment is removed from the home or job site-leaving you with nothing to remember us by except clean, fresh air.

“A simple process requires only trained technicians, time, and hard work!”


Duct Clean Health and Safety Policy:


  • Perfect Home Care shall comply with all applicable requirements for the protection of employees, occupants, and the environment.
  • For the health and safety of the environment and the people working around Perfect Home Care uses NO chemicals to clean the furnace and duct system.
  • No material shall be employed in such a manner that they will create adverse health effects to the occupants, employees, or the general public.
  • It is our policy to notify the site super of any injury or accident on site. An accident report will be reported and a copy will be submitted to the office.
  • For the safety of our employees each vehicle is equipped with a First Aid Kit.
  • Perfect Home Care considers safety as a first and daily responsibility.
  • Our work etiquette of: No drugs or alcohol, No smoking, No verbal or physical, NO discrimination, and NO Horseplay on site helps us to ensure safety.

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